Improving Fairness for People from Minority Faiths and Backgrounds

Join us in Parliament for this important debate as part of our mission to make UK hiring the fairest in the world. Reports such as those produced by the Commons Women and Equalities Committee as well those from independent groups continue to show that barriers facing particular groups of citizens finding work are higher than for others. The purpose of the session is to help bring about positive change in how the UK hires for all communities and this is a key focus area in making UK hiring the fairest in the world. Hear from experts, industry, and politicians on how the UK should revise the way it hires people to ensure it is more inclusive for people from different communities and backgrounds. Join Juliet Campbell MP and guests for this essential topic on how we tackle this major labour market issue.

This upcoming event will bring together industry experts and professionals for an insightful discussion. Stay tuned while we finalise the list of speakers!